Are You an Established Mission-Focused Expert, Coach, or Consultant?

Save Your Energy
For Changing Lives 🔥
Let Me Fund
✨Shiny New Customers ✨
And Cashflow For You

$50k-100k Monthly Revenue, Zero Cost To You

Boost your impact and cashflow without straining your wallet, team, or time.

You're in the business of transforming lives...You've got the expertise, the experience, and the success stories…

But maybe you can relate to the problems our partners come to us with...
Their calendars are crammed with client calls.
Their inboxes are overflowing with success stories.And their programs are changing lives.They're doing exactly what they love --watching success screenshots flood their DMs,-getting tearful thank-yous from students who finally cracked it-and seeing their beginners transform into confident pros.BUT in the background...That new course outline sits untouched in Dropbox.
And leads are going cold in Slack.
And their notes app is a graveyard of "someday" ideas.

There's waaaay more room for...
More Growth
More Impact
More Cashflow

But the trade-off is:Less time recording juicy training videos for their tribe.More hours convincing skeptics on sales calls.Fewer personal DMs and voice notes about client wins.Managing yet another closer, appointment setter, or sales team.

...I don't know about you, but I hate seeing mission-focused people wasting their mojo on the un-fun stuff...

So we handle the dirty work
(while treating it like the gold it is)

We're Gravy Train Capital.We partner with established Coaches and Experts who are busy transforming lives...

...Helping to turn their "maybe someday" prospects into "holy cow, YES!" clients - without them lifting a finger or spending a dime.For our partner's high-ticket offerings we fund and find more cashflow and customers in places they don't have time to dig.Here's a few examples of money-makers we uncover...Big percentage of unopens in an email list? We get their attention and business with a direct mail campaign.Turn "Maybe Later" into "YES! Now!!!": When there's a big list of prospects who said they'd 'think about it'......a little repositioning magic and a personal conversation can draw out a bunch of shiny new customers.Make Top Clients Feel Like VIPs: Have a list of customers who bought a $500 course?...We'll find the ones ready to jump at a $10,000+ coaching offer with a personal invite that makes them feel like they won the lottery.We Deliver Dream Clients: No tire-kickers or struggle bunnies. We connect with right-fit folks who are ready to invest in our partner's high-ticket solutions.We Close Deals While our Partners Create: Our team closes deals via text, bringing ideal clients without interrupting our partner's existing business flows or team.Uncover Hidden Market Gems: Sometimes our partners think they've maxed out their audience....We'll test to see if we can build on work they've already done finding fresh pockets of eager buyers they didn't even know existed.Our approach is high-touch, and high-care, and a great fit for those who have something unique and special to bring to the market.

And our 100% performance model means we only succeed when our partners do.We ONLY get paid AFTER money hits their Stripe, PayPal, or merchant account- because we believe in delivering results, like these:

In just 69 days, we generated $1.2MM in high-ticket sales for one of our partners who was on the fence about spending big on ramping up their sales team.......Turns out they didn’t need to.We ran a little test and the rest was history.Can we guarantee those results for everyone? Of course not.But we’ll put our own money on the line to find out if we can bring more growth and impact for you if it looks like we're a good match.And to reduce the risk for both sides (and make sure we like each other), we start with a quick and simple test campaign to see if we can hit it out of the park for you.All you need to do? Continue to deliver that stellar program, service, or wisdom that you’re known for. We handle the hustle, connecting you with clients ready to invest between $2,000 to $50,000 in what you offer.Would you like to see your cashflow climb without spending a cent or lifting a finger?

These are the businesses we can smash it out of the park for…+ They have a few proven offers & at least 1 high ticket offer - ideally with a unique approach to solving problems for their customers.+ For an expert, coach, or consulting biz, they’d have a buyers list of at least 5- 10k.+ Those could be buyers of anything from a book to a course.+ They're currently generating 7-figures plus a year.+ Their customers LOVE them.+ They have products or services that they’d love to sell more of…+ But they’d love not to do any work, manage anyone, or pay any money to make those sales.+ They’d like an extra 100k to 200k of new revenue every month.+ If they’re experts or coaches, they help entrepreneurs or regular folks to get ahead in their businesses or with their finances (Examples: Course Building, Real Estate Investing, Building Amazon Businesses, etc)+ And most importantly they’re fun to work with.+ And they’d love not to lift a finger to get another 6 or 7 figures out of their business.

Curious to know more?

Here's a case study...
We invested in, creating, and managing a stable hands-off no-cost Profit Center that added 7 Figures to a partner's annual revenue.
How we created over $1.2m in 69 days for one of our creator partners? Click here to read the case study .

Maybe this is worth a conversation?

Shoot an email over and say hi!
Karl at GravyTrainCapital dot com
(You know what to do with the "at" and the "dot")

Don't have a business we can help you with? Maybe we can give you 10K USD anyway...

We'd love to give you a 10K referral fee if you can introduce a business to us that we can help to grow their impact and cashflow.Here's how to spot businesses we can help…+ They have a few proven offers & at least 1 high ticket offer - ideally with a unique approach to solving problems for their customers.+ For an expert, coach, or consulting biz, they’d have a buyers list of at least 5- 10k.+ Those could be buyers of anything from a book to a course.+ They're currently generating 7-figures plus a year.+ Their customers LOVE them.+ They have products or services that they’d love to sell more of…+ But they’d love not to do any work, manage anyone, or pay any money to make those sales.+ They’d like an extra 100k to 200k of new revenue every month.+ If they’re experts or coaches, they help entrepreneurs or regular folks to get ahead in their businesses or with their finances (Examples: Course Building, Real Estate Investing, Building Amazon Businesses, etc)+ And most importantly they’re fun to work with.+ And they’d love not to lift a finger to get another 6 or 7 figures out of their business.If so, shoot an email over, and let’s chat.We’d love to hear more.And, if the partnership makes sense, and we do a test campaign with that company – your 10K referral kicks in.You’ll get 10% of our share of the revenue until we've collected the first 100K - of which you get 10% (10K).For the right introduction, this can happen in a single campaign.And if we need more than one campaign to be able to pay you your 10K (and the partnership continues successfully) we’ll keep paying you until you get to 10K.We appreciate those who help us reach our goals, and we'd love to share the spoils of victory with you.Have someone in mind you'd like to introduce?Send an email with the word "Introduction" in the subject line.

© Gravy Train Capital. All rights reserved.